Silk Plants Direct Tulip Bouquet - Yellow - Pack of 6


($11.17 per piece)


Looking for the easiest and most inexpensive way to dress up your drab space? If you are, then here is the perfect answer – our fake tulip flowers. Decorative elements which will help you craft a highly appealing and special room; these silk tulips will give you a luxurious space with positive vibes and no hassles. A great option to add instant style and color to any setting, these faux tulip flowers are full of flair and will give your home interior space a dramatic look and feel.

At 20", our tulips come in a set of 6 and will delight you with their yellow color and stunning looks. Crafted from premium quality material, these tulip bouquets look extremely realistic and do not require constant upkeep. Highly charming and durable, these fake tulips will bring a sense of joy to space till times to come.

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Yellow, Rose



Pack Of






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Standing, Standing

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