Showing 1–24 of 36 results

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Orange Two Tone - Pack of 12

An easy option when it comes beautifying any space, our artificial Mum Bush are absolute show-stoppers. They can just light up a space with their presence. Home décor accents which will...


Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Cream Ivory - Pack of 12

Flowers can go a long way in completing your home décor. From applying wonderful finishing touches to adding style to a space, they can do it all with ease. And this...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Amethyst Purple - Pack of 12

There are very few elements which can match the lovely vibe and feel-good factor of this artificial Mum Bush. They are vital ingredients to make any room interesting in an instant...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

Trying to deck up your space in time for the festive season? Try integrating our artificial Mum Spray in the décor. They will make your home feel warm and merry without...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Cream - Pack of 12

If you’re searching for exciting decorative elements which will give you a special room, then look no further than our elegant artificial Mum Bush. They will be such captivating additions to...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - White - Pack of 12

A larger-than-life, statement-worthy Christmas décor is all the rage, isn’t it? Afterall, everyone wants to craft a special space which will make an impression on everyone. And here’s something which will...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - White - Pack of 12

A statement-making flower arrangement is all you need to create an engaging, exciting home interior space. And what better than our fun and playful artificial Mum Spray to do so. The...

Silk Plants Direct Pompon Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

No matter which flowers you opt for, they will always stand out in any room. And if you’re looking for some unique, interesting ones to add to your décor, then we...

Silk Plants Direct Chrysanthemum Spray - White - Pack of 12

Looking for accents that will inspire your décor and spruce it up instantly? Look no further than our artificial Chrysanthemum Spray. Just deck your space with these lovely flowers and be...

Silk Plants Direct Japanese Royal Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 9

Leave your stress and anxiety at the door. Walk into your space to see our Japanese Royal Mum Spray. Relaxing and soothing, our faux sprays will give a face-lift to your...


Silk Plants Direct Double Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

Easy to arrange, easy to care and easy to display, our Double Mum Spray will enrich your home décor with its inspired looks and vibrant colors. Whether you add it to...

CreamGreenRose two tone

Silk Plants Direct Mum, Rose, Lily Bush - Peach Cream - Pack of 6

We all want the best-looking home interiors space. And we all want it with minimal effort and without spending top dollar. We’ve made this too-good-to-be-true pursuit simple. Here’s what you’ll need...

Silk Plants Direct Spider Mum Spray - White - Pack of 12

Flowers can make even the oldest piece of furniture or coffee table feel like the focal point. And if you’re searching for some to add to your average space, then we...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 6

From living rooms to bedrooms, coffee tables to shelves, flowers are ideal accents to spark interest in any setting. And if you’re trying to integrate some in your interior design, then...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Cream - Pack of 6

On the lookout for practical yet glorious home accessories that will add a stylish finishing touch to the setting? If yes, then look no further than our mesmerizing artificial Mum Bush....

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bouquet - Cream - Pack of 12

A wonderful addition to your contemporary or traditional interiors, our Mum Bouquet is a perfect way to greet your guests with love and warmth. Our 7.5" tall faux flowers can be...

Silk Plants Direct Button Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

Button Mums are some of the most elegant flowers that pack beauty and personality that makes them hard to resist. Highly popular flowers, these decorative accents have tightly packed petals that...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - White - Pack of 6

If you're searching for home decor accessories which will make you space more livable and eye-catching, then look no further than our artificial Mum Spray. Accents which are practical and extremely...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Bush - Cream - Pack of 12

On the lookout for elements which will match your vision for holiday décor? How about this artificial Mum Bush? They will bring a rich and luxurious touch to the setting when...

Silk Plants Direct Spider Mum Spray - White - Pack of 12

Flowers are perfect home decor accessories which can make even the most average and dull room look fantastic. Looking for some unique ones to add to your unique interior design? Our...

Silk Plants Direct Mini Mum Bush - Beauty Cream - Pack of 12

Perfect for creating beautiful floral displays on a special occasion, our Mini Mum Bush will bring energy to any space. Measuring 14", our faux flowers are also ideal for decorating and...

Beauty creamOrchid pinkYellow orange

Silk Plants Direct Spider Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

One of the most breath-taking and unique flowers around, Spider Mums make for a very distinctive and graceful flowers. With elongated petals or florets, these flowers offer an easy way to...