Showing 49–72 of 128 results

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Here’s the key to create a fun and pretty room in no time. Just make some room for our lovely artificial Cherry Blossom Spray and you’re set. Flowers are known to...

Silk Plants Direct Plum Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Add depth to your bouquets and versatility to your home décor with the help of our Plum Blossom Spray. Measuring 72", our faux sprays will boost the creative energy of your...


Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

If you’re searching for elements which will bring more appeal and depth to your home interiors, then these artificial Cherry Blossom Spray are ideal. Home décor elements which will stand the...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

Our brilliant artificial Cherry Blossom Spray is a show-stopping home décor accessory which will brighten up any space in an instant. Flowers which are known to add loads of personality and...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Planning to give your tired, ordinary rooms a simple yet effective makeover? Just introduce our artificial Cherry Blossom Spray and you’ll have an interesting, visually pleasing space in an instant. Elements...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

Cool flowers have the ability to make any dark and uninviting home feel more attractive and welcoming. And if you’re on the lookout for such flowers, then our artificial Cherry Blossom...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

If you’re looking to bring home some interesting flowers to style up your décor, then we highly recommend you opt for this delightful artificial Cherry Blossom Spray. The lovely vibe, the...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Just have a look at our striking artificial Cherry Blossom Spray and tell us if they won’t help you craft an engaging, appealing setting. No matter how or where you place...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Want to make a big decorative impact in your room? Bringing in flowers is the best and easiest way to go about it. They’ll ensure you a striking space season after...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink Soft - Pack of 12

There are accessories which will decorate your space. Then there are ones which will really help décor feel ‘complete’. Our artificial Cherry Blossom Spray belongs to the latter. They will add...

Silk Plants Direct Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

Simply introducing our artificial Blossom Spray in a design scheme is good enough to create a big change. These are statement pieces which will bring incredibly fun and chic look and...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink Cream - Pack of 6

If you’re looking for ideal home décor accessories which will revamp your space in an instant and boost curb appeal, then look no further than our artificial Cherry Blossom Spray. A...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Beauty Cerise - Pack of 12

What’s great about flowers is just how cheerful they are. And this cheery outlook rubs onto the environment and help boost the mood of the entire setting. Planning to bring some...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

Some of the most exotic, lovely flowers around, these artificial Cherry Blossom Spray make for glorious home décor accents. From tired rooms to mundane coffee tables to empty spaces, they will...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

Whether you’re looking to brighten up your home interiors or you’re looking for elements which will have an uplifting feel in the setting, look no further than our artificial Cherry Blossom...

Silk Plants Direct Quince Blossom Spray - Cerise - Pack of 12

Everyone loves flowers. They’re just so good when it comes to styling up any room. And if you’re looking to bring some to your space, then we highly recommend these artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Plum Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 24

Lift up everyone’s mood in the office with the help of our Plum Blossom Spray. Stylish and upscale, our artificial flowers are full of realism. It will create a really homely...


Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink Two Tone - Pack of 12

Flowers can completely change the look and feel of any space. They are known to make any home feel welcoming and attractive season after season. And if you’re looking for some...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

If your goal is to add energy and fun to your rooms without overwhelming it, then flowers are your best bet. They will add so much beauty and interest to the...

Silk Plants Direct Apple Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 6

If you’re on the lookout for a statement piece which will make your home décor more captivating and enjoyable, then look no further than our artificial Apple Blossom Spray. An ideal...

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom Spray - Pink Rubrum - Pack of 12

Flowers can catch the eye in any room and instantly light up the setting. They are full of flair and add so much drama to a space. And this is exactly...

Silk Plants Direct Plum Blossom Spray - Pink - Pack of 12

Dealing with a mundane, tired room? Obviously, there’s a lot to do to make it exciting. Wondering where to start from? Start by introducing these brilliant artificial Plum Blossom Spray. Flowers...

Silk Plants Direct Flowering Blossom Spray - Rose - Pack of 12

Whether you’re looking for a centerpiece or just want to add beautiful color to your home décor, nothing works better than roses. Available in a range of hues and forms, you...

RoseBeautyCreamGreenOrangePurple two toneYellow

Silk Plants Direct Cherry Blossom - Pink Green - Pack of 1

If you feel blah the moment you enter your room, then signs are clear. You need to carry out a minor surgery on the décor. You need to bring in elements...