Showing 25–48 of 177 results

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid - White - Pack of 6

Not only plants but planters can add a dash of cool and interest to any space. And if you’re looking for such decorative, appealing plant containers then look no further than...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 6

Greenery keeps any space from feeling cold and stark. They breathe life into the setting in no time. And this is exactly what you can expect from this artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid...

Silk Plants Direct Oncidium Orchid Plant - Yellow - Pack of 4

No matter what decorating theme you fancy, faux plants fit in beautifully. And if you’re looking for some gorgeous ones to add to your space, then do consider this stunning artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid, Dahlia, Lily - Burgundy Rust - Pack of 1

Are you one of those who prefers a bright, bold space and takes in the energy from your surroundings? If yes, then our silk Lily flowers are all you need. Flowers...

Silk Plants Direct Rose, Protea, Lilac - Pink Lavender - Pack of 4

If you have a boring, tired room which needs a little prepping up, then our artificial Rose, Protea, Lilac is just what you need. They will not just decorate your space...

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid - Burgundy - Pack of 1

Make your outdated, tired room feel up to date and charming by bringing in our gorgeous artificial Cymbidium Orchid. These flowers are absolute darlings and will give you a pleasing space...

Silk Plants Direct Vanda Orchid - Mixed - Pack of 4

If you think that monotony has set over your rooms, then it’s time for a change. It’s time to bring in accents which will bring flair, interest and joyous exuberance to...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Orange - Pack of 4

If you’re trying to bring a soothing feel to your home décor, then nothing will make it more tranquil and relaxing than our lovely artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant. Home décor accessories...

Silk Plants Direct Soft Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 12

Flowers are unique home décor accessories. They bring bright and cozy feel to any space. Looking to integrate some in your home interior design? How about this brilliant artificial Soft Phalaenopsis...

Silk Plants Direct Rose, Sunflower, Protea Bouquet - Pink Lavender - Pack of 4

If you’re looking for decorative accents which will brighten things up in your space while evoking a lovely, cozy vibe, then you’ve landed at the right place. Nothing will do it...

Silk Plants Direct Protea, Cymbidium Orchid, Succulent - Green Brown - Pack of 1

There are hardly, in fact none, any people who would oppose to the introduction of flowers in their room. Allergies aside. No matter how you feel about flowers, there’s no denying...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid, Rose, Protea, Peony - Yellow Salmon - Pack of 1

Bring the outdoors inside with nature’s magical creation, flowers. Lively, refreshing and eye-catching, flowers work in any home, any room. Searching for some gorgeous ones which will upgrade the look and...

Silk Plants Direct Vanda Orchid - White - Pack of 1

Does your home décor suffers from the case of tired, uninspiring vibes? If you think it does, then it’s time to bring in flowers. It’s time to bring in some artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Vanda Orchid - Purple - Pack of 4

Even the least popular corners and areas of your home will be instant hits with the introduction of flowers. No matter where you place them, you’ll have a chic, inviting room....

Silk Plants Direct Fruit, Cymbidium Orchid - Burgundy Plum - Pack of 1

A perfect fit for busy households, this Fruit, Cymbidium Orchid with its natural and colorful presence, it will take your breath away. From light furnishings to dark accents our artificial floral...

Silk Plants Direct Lady Slipper Orchid, Dendrobium Orchid, Oncidium Orchid Plant - Orchid Green - Pack of 2

Purchase our Lady Slipper Orchid, Dendrobium Orchid, Oncidium Orchid Plant today, if you’re looking for a simple way to add elegance and beauty to your home décor. Standing at 9", the...

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid - Lime - Pack of 4

Flowers are home décor essentials. From brightening up your mood to your rooms they can do it all effortlessly. And this is exactly what you can expect from our artificial Cymbidium...

Silk Plants Direct Oncidium Orchid Plant - Yellow - Pack of 4

Giving a fresh new look to any room is as simple as introducing some faux greenery in it. It adds such a lively, refreshing feel to any setting. Planning to integrate...