Showing 1–24 of 73 results

Silk Plants Direct Dahlia Mum Wreath - Pack of 1

There are limitless ways to style up your room. But nothing will do it as effectively and effortlessly as this striking artificial Dahlia Mum Wreath. Home décor accessories which will help...

Silk Plants Direct Chrysanthemum Spray - Blue Blue - Pack of 12

Flowers are perfect ingredients to style up any room. No matter what style your room is, there are faux flowers to set the perfect mood in the setting. And here’s one...

Silk Plants Direct Aster Mum Spray - Orange - Pack of 12

If you’re looking for ideas to style up your weary and mundane rooms, then our artificial Aster Mum Spray is something which should definitely top your to-buy list. Highly practical and...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - Red - Pack of 12

Modern Christmas décor is all about elegance, simplicity and understated beauty. And if you’re looking for elements which will bring such a look to your space, then we highly recommend you...

Silk Plants Direct Peony and Mum Wreath - Pack of 1

Looking for a quick and easy solution to solve the issues with the décor design of your room? If you are, then this artificial Peony and Mum Wreath will address it...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

Trying to deck up your space in time for the festive season? Try integrating our artificial Mum Spray in the décor. They will make your home feel warm and merry without...

Silk Plants Direct Mum Spray - White - Pack of 12

A larger-than-life, statement-worthy Christmas décor is all the rage, isn’t it? Afterall, everyone wants to craft a special space which will make an impression on everyone. And here’s something which will...