
If you’re on the lookout for flowers which are incredibly unique and eye-catching, then we highly recommend you check out our range of artificial Heliconia flowers. Some of the most exotic blooms around, these silk Heliconia flowers have a dramatic and vibrant crown which will make for a stunning display in any setting. One of the best ways to bring a bold personality to your rooms, our faux Heliconia flowers will be an engaging presence in any décor till times to come.

Showing 49–66 of 66 results

Silk Plants Direct Hibiscus, Heliconia, Protea, Orchid Bush - Beauty Yellow - Pack of 12

Whether you’re searching for decorative accents to add more visual interest to your room or something which will make your space more inviting and exciting, these silk Heliconia flowers are all...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia, Eucalyptus Berry - Red Green - Pack of 1

Want to embrace a heavy dose of colors? Introduce these wonderful silk Heliconias in the setting. Your home would be never short of vibrancy and sophistication. Incredibly zesty, dramatic flowers which...

Silk Plants Direct Hanging Heliconia Spray - Yellow - Pack of 12

If you think that ‘boring’ or ‘average’ are the best words that sum up your interior design, then its time you bring in some appealing elements to prep it up. And...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Hanging Spray - Pink Green - Pack of 6

There are many reasons why your rooms feel mundane and just sad. Lack of appealing decorative accessories is one. Searching for some unique, exotic ones to add to your interior design?...

Pink greenRed green

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Spray - Red Yellow - Pack of 12

Flowers are all you need to take your decor to a fresh new level. They have become easy, go-to accents to create a delightful space with minimal fuss. And if you’re...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia, Calla Lily, Anthurium - Yellow Green - Pack of 1

If you’re looking for flowers that will help you create an engaging, stylish room without much hassle, then we highly recommend you bring in these wonderful silk Heliconias. Tropical beauties which...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Spray - Red - Pack of 8

If you think that ‘boring’ or ‘average’ are the best words that sum up your interior design, then its time you bring in some appealing elements to prep it up. And...


Silk Plants Direct Banana Flower, Heliconia, Freesia - Plum Yellow - Pack of 1

Whether your living room requires an eye-catching, impactful element or your bedroom needs some pleasing color inclusion, we highly recommend you opt for our silk Heliconias. Flowers which will make any...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia, Anthurium, Foxtail Lily - Orange Green - Pack of 1

The great thing about introducing flowers in any room is the fact that you get a feel-good, happy setting. And not just that, they have the ability to spark imagination in...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Bush - Red - Pack of 6

Flowers make any room feel more special and pleasing. They just bring so much happiness and bountiful look to any setting. Want to bring that feel all-year round? Just introduce these...

RedOrange yellow

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Spray - Flame - Pack of 8

Some of the most beautiful and unique flowers around, Heliconias boast of a chic look and gorgeous colors. And if your home feels outdated and uninteresting, then just introduce these fake...


Silk Plants Direct Heliconia, Anthurium, Foxtail - Red Green - Pack of 1

Flowers are still the top decorating choice to prep up any room. And why not? They bring so much joy to any space. All set to bring some in your home...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Bush - Orange Yellow - Pack of 6

Flowers are all you need to create a lovely space in no time. Whether you add them to your living room to bedroom, they will help you create the perfect mood...

Orange yellowRed

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia, Anthurium, Bamboo - Orange Green - Pack of 1

Whether you’re looking to bring a striking pop of color to your home interiors or just want a focal point to catch the eye, nothing will do it better than our...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Spray - Green Brown - Pack of 6

Want to embrace a heavy dose of colors? Introduce these wonderful artificial Heliconias in the setting. Your home would be never short of vibrancy and sophistication. Incredibly zesty, dramatic flowers which...

Silk Plants Direct Heliconia Spray - Burgundy Red - Pack of 6

There are many reasons why your rooms feel mundane and just sad. Lack of appealing decorative accessories is one. Searching for some unique, exotic ones to add to your interior design?...

If you’re on the lookout for flowers which are incredibly unique and eye-catching, then we highly recommend you check out our range of artificial Heliconia flowers. Some of the most exotic blooms around, these silk Heliconia flowers have a dramatic and vibrant crown which will make for a stunning display in any setting. One of the best ways to bring a bold personality to your rooms, our faux Heliconia flowers will be an engaging presence in any décor till times to come.