Showing 49–72 of 93 results

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Beauty - Pack of 6

If you’re searching for elements which will bring more appeal and depth to your home interiors, then these artificial Peony Bouquets are ideal. Home décor elements which will stand the test...

Silk Plants Direct Peony, Hydrangea Bouquet - White Pink - Pack of 12

Instantly brighten up your living space with our Peony, Hydrangea Bouquet which will give you the beauty and elegant looks of vibrant blooms throughout the year. Our colorful and lively artificial...

White pinkBeauty greenBeauty green white pink

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Peach - Pack of 12

A statement-making flower arrangement is all you need to create an engaging, exciting home interior space. And what better than our fun and playful artificial Peony Bouquet to do so. The...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Cream Brown - Pack of 12

It’s simple – bringing in flowers in any room adds life and energy to the setting. And if you’re searching for interesting flowers to add to your space, then how about...

Silk Plants Direct Peony, Ranunculus, Rose Bouquet - Cream - Pack of 6

If you’re on the lookout for elements which will help push your décor in the right direction, then we have something for you – our collection of silk Ranunculus flowers. No...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Orange Cream - Pack of 12

If you love all-things-luxurious and premium, then our artificial Peony Bouquets are just what you need to bring in your home decor. Flowers which are known for their ability to catch...

Silk Plants Direct Peony, Fern Cascade Bouquet - Peach - Pack of 6

A wonderful addition to your contemporary or traditional interiors, our Peony, Fern Cascade Bouquet is a perfect way to greet your guests with love and warmth. Our 9.5" tall faux flowers...

PeachOrchid creamWhite

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Mauve - Pack of 6

Create the room of your dreams by introducing classic, refined home decor accessories. And accents don’t get better than our artificial Peony Bouquet. Flowers which have the ability to make any...

Silk Plants Direct Peony, Fern Cascade Bouquet - Orchid Cream - Pack of 6

A wonderful addition to your contemporary or traditional interiors, our Peony, Fern Cascade Bouquet is a perfect way to greet your guests with love and warmth. Our 9.5" tall faux flowers...

Orchid creamPeachWhite

Silk Plants Direct Rose, Peony, Hydrangea Bouquet - Pink Green - Pack of 12

There are many things you can introduce in your home décor to make it more exciting, stay inspired and make the ambiance more enjoyable. But nothing comes better than our selection...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Rose Cream - Pack of 12

Flowers with their wonderful colors and aura are winning accessories known to pique interest in any space. Any room can get a lift with their presence. Looking to add some to...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Green Cream - Pack of 12

Flowers are great when it comes to piquing interest in any space. They work fantastic in any interior design. Looking for some unique ones to add to your decor? Our artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Wine Burgundy - Pack of 6

Flowers are so smile-inducing home décor accessories. They just make any room, any corner look and feel special. If you’re trying to integrate some in your home décor, then our artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Hydrangea, Rose, Peony Bouquet - White - Pack of 6

Whether you’re looking to craft a space for a sophisticated conversation, energetic play or serene contemplation, it should contain our artificial roses. Available in a range of hues, styles, and sizes,...

WhiteCream greenLavender greenPink green

Silk Plants Direct Peony Bouquet - Fuchsia Purple - Pack of 6

Flowers are perfect home decor accessories which can make even the most average and dull room look fantastic. Looking for some unique ones to add to your unique interior design? Our...