Showing 49–72 of 168 results

Silk Plants Direct Orchid & Succulent Garden - Pack of 1

If you think that you room can do with a style refresher, then here’s an accent without which the project won’t be complete – our artificial Orchid & Succulent Garden. Accents...

Silk Plants Direct Boxwood Artificial Hedge - Pack of 1

An easy option when it comes beautifying any space, our artificial Boxwood Artificial Hedge are absolute show-stoppers. They can just light up a space with their presence. Home décor accents which...

Silk Plants Direct Mini Cymbidium Orchid Spray - Violet - Pack of 12

Here’s a handy tip – fill your room with some vibrant flowers and watch them fill your space with feel-good vibes. It’s a simple yet highly effective decorating hack. And if...

VioletLilac violet

Silk Plants Direct Calla, Orchid & Ball flower Arrangement - Pack of 1

If your design scheme no longer thrills you, then it’s time for a makeover. It’s time to bring in elements which will make your space interesting. It’s time to bring in...

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid Spray - Pink Fuchsia - Pack of 12

If you think that monotony has set over your rooms, then it’s time for a change. It’s time to bring in accents which will bring flair, interest and joyous exuberance to...

Silk Plants Direct Fern & Orchid Arrangement - Pack of 1

If you’re on the lookout for a statement piece which will make your home décor more captivating and enjoyable, then look no further than our artificial Fern & Orchid Arrangement. An...

Silk Plants Direct Orchid, Berry & Pine Holiday Candleabrum - Pack of 1

Searching for elements which will infuse your space with more character, more color and more style? If yes, then this artificial Orchid, Berry & Pine Holiday Candleabrum comes highly recommended. A...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Spray - Rubrum Green - Pack of 12

There are very few elements which can match the lovely vibe and feel-good factor of this artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid Spray. They are vital ingredients to make any room interesting in an...