
The decorative elements you choose for your home don’t just define your space but they enhance it. And if you’re looking for something which will bring personality to your home, then here’s a delightful collection of artificial Cosmos flowers. Available in a range of colors, styles and sizes, our range of silk Cosmos flowers will capture the eye in your setting no matter where you place them. Flowers which will help you create a powerful, attention-grabbing setting, these faux Cosmos will give you a chic, modern home design.

Showing 49–72 of 119 results

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Yellow - Pack of 24

If you’re considering a minor facelift for your rooms and would love to give it a new, stylish look without much effort and cost, then our artificial Cosmos Spray is just...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos - Red - Pack of 1

Add to a vase, place it on the center table, and watch our Cosmos bring a burst of excitement in your space. Our faux flower arrangement will be noticed no matter...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Violet Orchid - Pack of 6

If you’re looking for ways to keep your room bright and joyous no matter what season it is, then our artificial Cosmos Bush is something which should definitely feature in the...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Eggplant - Pack of 12

If you’re on the lookout for elements to update your design scheme with minimal effort, then this artificial Cosmos Spray comes highly recommended. Home décor accessories which will make a striking...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Blue - Pack of 12

This artificial Cosmos Spray will be a stellar addition to any room, any interior design scheme. It is one of our most popular and elegant accents and will bring a wonderful...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Plum - Pack of 12

If you look around your home and feel that it has gone sterile and outdated, then bring in elements which will spark creativity and fun in the setting. Bring in our...

Silk Plants Direct Mini Cosmos Bush - Violet Lavender - Pack of 12

Our Mini Cosmos Bush will take away all the stress and anxiety from your day. Authentic to fresh, this faux floral arrangement is an inexpensive and lasts forever. 19" tall, our...

Violet lavenderBlue two toneBeauty ceriseYellow flameYellow two tone

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Candle Ring Centerpiece - Cream Pink - Pack of 6

Are you looking for some decorations that will add a pop of color to your current décor? Bring home our Cosmos Candle Ring Centerpiece and watch it make a difference in...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Mustard - Pack of 12

If you’re looking for décor accents which will bring an attractive personality and sensational style sensibility to your décor, then this artificial Cosmos Spray comes highly recommended. Elements which have the...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Yellow - Pack of 12

Everyone has those less-than-ideal, no-longer-attractive elements in their space which drag the entire look and feel of the space down. You need to balance them with chic, eye-catching ones. And what...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Beauty Cerise - Pack of 6

Flowers can completely change the look and feel of any space. They are known to make any home feel welcoming and attractive season after season. And if you’re looking for some...

Silk Plants Direct Baby Cosmos Spray - Green Emerald - Pack of 12

With an amazing natural feel, our Baby Cosmos Spray will make a splendid addition to your home. Featuring colorful blooms and life-like foliage, our faux sprays will enrich your home. Standing...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Violet - Pack of 12

There are plenty of ways you can bring life and interest to your décor, but nothing will do it as effectively and easily as our artificial Cosmos Spray. Home décor accents...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Green - Pack of 12

From living rooms to bedrooms, coffee tables to shelves, flowers are ideal accents to spark interest in any setting. And if you’re trying to integrate some in your interior design, then...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Beige - Pack of 12

On the lookout for elements which will infuse a rich and lively look to your home décor? If you are, then look no further than this artificial Cosmos Spray. Home décor...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Pink Light - Pack of 12

Simply introducing our artificial Cosmos Spray in a design scheme is good enough to create a big change. These are statement pieces which will bring incredibly fun and chic look and...

Silk Plants Direct Mini Cosmos Bush - Blue Two Tone - Pack of 12

Charming and colorful, our Mini Cosmos Bush is one of the most stunning creations to decorate your home or office with. Now, you can enjoy the grace and freshness of real...

Blue two toneBeauty ceriseViolet lavenderYellow flameYellow two tone

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Yellow Two Tone - Pack of 6

There are accessories which will decorate your space. Then there are ones which will really help décor feel ‘complete’. Our artificial Cosmos Bush belongs to the latter. They will add a...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Yellow - Pack of 12

If you feel that your room is in need of an instant update, then we highly recommend you bring in our lovely artificial Cosmos Spray in the setting. Home décor accents...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Beauty - Pack of 6

Flowers are perfect home decor accessories which can make even the most average and dull room look fantastic. Looking for some unique ones to add to your unique interior design? Our...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Bush - Purple Cream - Pack of 12

Who doesn’t want to spend time in a joyous, vibrant setting? Apparently everyone. And if you’re looking to create such a space with minimal fuss and spend, then just bring in...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos Spray - Cream - Pack of 12

If your design scheme no longer thrills you, then it’s time for a makeover. It’s time to bring in elements which will make your space interesting. It’s time to bring in...

Silk Plants Direct Cosmos, Ranunculus, Berry - Yellow - Pack of 1

If you’re looking for ideas which will help you spruce up your home and create a space which impresses every visitor, then here’s something which should definitely feature in it –...

The decorative elements you choose for your home don’t just define your space but they enhance it. And if you’re looking for something which will bring personality to your home, then here’s a delightful collection of artificial Cosmos flowers. Available in a range of colors, styles and sizes, our range of silk Cosmos flowers will capture the eye in your setting no matter where you place them. Flowers which will help you create a powerful, attention-grabbing setting, these faux Cosmos will give you a chic, modern home design.