Showing 25–32 of 32 results

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - White - Pack of 1

Looking for ideas and elements to up your home décor game? If you are, then this artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant will certainly help. They will go a long way in bringing...

Silk Plants Direct Hyacinth - Lavender - Pack of 6

Create the room of your dreams by introducing classic, refined home decor accessories. And accents don’t get better than our artificial Hyacinth. Flowers which have the ability to make any room,...

Silk Plants Direct Hyacinth - Lavender - Pack of 6

Flowers are great when it comes to piquing interest in any space. They work fantastic in any interior design. Looking for some unique ones to add to your decor? Our artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Hyacinth - Lavender - Pack of 6

Every room takes time to take shape. Accessory by accessory and you will get there. Our artificial Hyacinth is one such design element which will help you take your space to...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Orchid - Pack of 1

Sometimes in order to get the basics of the home décor right, the space ends up that way – basic. In order to spice things up in the setting, you need...

Silk Plants Direct Dahlia - Lavender Antique - Pack of 6

If you’re looking for décor accents which will bring an attractive personality and sensational style sensibility to your décor, then this artificial Dahlia & Mum comes highly recommended. Elements which have...

Silk Plants Direct Orchid & Bells of Ireland - Pack of 1

If you look around your home and feel that it has gone sterile and outdated, then bring in elements which will spark creativity and fun in the setting. Bring in our...

Silk Plants Direct Lotus and Orchid Arrangement - Pack of 1

Searching for home décor accents which will give your space a new look and feel? Look no further than this artificial Lotus and Orchid Arrangement. One of the best ways to...