Showing 1–24 of 31 results

Silk Plants Direct Peony - Cream Green - Pack of 1

Everyone loves flowers. They’re just so good when it comes to styling up any room. And if you’re looking to bring some to your space, then we highly recommend these artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Blue Two Tone - Pack of 12

Adding flowers is a simple, effective solution to prep up any home décor. No matter what room you’re planning to style up, they work beautifully. Looking to bring some in your...

Silk Plants Direct Hydrangea, Rose, Peony Bouquet - Cream Delphinium - Pack of 6

If you have to work hard on your home décor every day to keep up its spirit, then you are doing it wrong. You don’t have to devote all your time...

Cream delphiniumCream greenLavender greenPeach greenPink greenWhite

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Pink Light - Pack of 12

Every room takes time to take shape. Accessory by accessory and you will get there. Our artificial Peony Spray is one such design element which will help you take your space...

Silk Plants Direct Peony - Pink - Pack of 4

On the lookout for ideas to up the interest levels of your space? It’s easy. Just make some space and bring these artificial Peony. Flowers which will change the mood of...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Rose - Pack of 12

Holiday décor should be unique. It should be memorable for you and your guests. And here’s something which will help you in your pursuit – our artificial Peony Spray. Elements which...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Orchid - Pack of 12

Flowers are great when it comes to piquing interest in any space. They work fantastic in any interior design. Looking for some unique ones to add to your decor? Our artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Open Peony Spray - Blue Antique - Pack of 12

Flowers bring out the best in any room. They make any space just so happy and exciting. Planning to integrate some in your interior design? We highly recommend you opt for...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Mauve - Pack of 12

Flowers can make even the oldest piece of furniture or coffee table feel like the focal point. And if you’re searching for some to add to your average space, then we...

Silk Plants Direct Hydrangea, Peony , Rose Bouquet - Ivory Rose - Pack of 6

If you’re looking for Christmas decorations which will take your home to the next level, then you’ve landed at the right place. Nothing will do it better than our artificial Hydrangea,...

Silk Plants Direct Glittered Denim Peony Spray - Blue - Pack of 12

If you’re searching for elements which will bring more appeal and depth to your home interiors, then these artificial Glittered Denim Peony Spray are ideal. Home décor elements which will stand...

Silk Plants Direct Casablanca Lily Peony, Fern Wreath - White Green - Pack of 1

Searching for elements which will infuse your space with more character, more color and more style? If yes, then this artificial Casablanca Lily Peony, Fern Wreath comes highly recommended. A great...

Silk Plants Direct Peony - Pink White - Pack of 1

If you’re on the lookout for a statement piece which will make your home décor more captivating and enjoyable, then look no further than our artificial Peony. An ideal accessory which...

Silk Plants Direct Hydrangea, Peony, Anemone - Blue Pink - Pack of 1

Instantly brighten up your home with our Hydrangea, Peony, Anemone. This artificial flower arrangement will bring a burst of color and will cheer up any household. Versatile and durable, this silk...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Delphinium - Pack of 12

On the lookout for ideas and elements to turn your bland room into a delightful, restorative one? If yes, then this artificial Peony Spray should definitely feature in your space. The...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Apricot Rose - Pack of 12

Planning to give your tired, ordinary rooms a simple yet effective makeover? Just introduce our artificial Peony Spray and you’ll have an interesting, visually pleasing space in an instant. Elements which...

Silk Plants Direct Peony Spray - Lavender Antique - Pack of 12

If you think that monotony has set over your rooms, then it’s time for a change. It’s time to bring in accents which will bring flair, interest and joyous exuberance to...