Showing 25–37 of 37 results

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid Spray - Green - Pack of 12

Everyone loves flowers. They’re just so good when it comes to styling up any room. And if you’re looking to bring some to your space, then we highly recommend these artificial...

Silk Plants Direct Soft Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 12

Flowers are unique home décor accessories. They bring bright and cozy feel to any space. Looking to integrate some in your home interior design? How about this brilliant artificial Soft Phalaenopsis...

Silk Plants Direct Soft Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 12

Flowers are just so alluring. Bring them in a room and watch them enhance the entire setting. Planning to bring some in your home interiors? Opt for these mesmerizing artificial Soft...

Silk Plants Direct Lavender, Eucalyptus Wreath - Lavender Green - Pack of 4

Flowers are perfect home decor accessories which can make even the most average and dull room look fantastic. Looking for some unique ones to add to your unique interior design? Our...

Silk Plants Direct Lavender, Succulent, Fern Wreath - Lavender Green - Pack of 2

If you have a home interior space lacking eye candy and interesting accents, then here’s a notable one which will light it up – our artificial Lavender, Succulent, Fern Wreath. The...

Silk Plants Direct Slipper Orchid Plant - Green - Pack of 12

On the lookout for elements which will add a cool, calm finishing touch to your room and add to its inviting vibe? Look no further than our absolutely delightful artificial Slipper...

Silk Plants Direct Lavender, Succulent, Fern Spray - Lavender Green - Pack of 6

There are accessories which will decorate your space. Then there are ones which will really help décor feel ‘complete’. Our artificial Lavender, Succulent, Fern Spray belongs to the latter. They will...

Silk Plants Direct Preserved Sea Lavender Candle Ring - Lavender Green - Pack of 12

Want to make a big decorative impact in your room? Bringing in flowers is the best and easiest way to go about it. They’ll ensure you a striking space season after...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 6

Plants are known for their ability to set a relaxing tone in any space. And this artificial Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant is no exception. They will turn even the most bland,...

Silk Plants Direct Sedum Spray - Green Lavender - Pack of 12

Flowers with their color, texture and lively aura elicit feelings of joy and comfort. And if that’s what your space is lacking, then just make room for this artificial Sedum Spray...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaf Plant - Green Two Tone - Pack of 6

Flowers can catch the eye in any room and instantly light up the setting. They are full of flair and add so much drama to a space. And this is exactly...

Silk Plants Direct Soft Vanda Orchid Leaf Plant - Green - Pack of 12

Does your home décor suffers from the case of tired, uninspiring vibes? If you think it does, then it’s time to bring in flowers. It’s time to bring in some artificial...