Showing 25–38 of 38 results

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid - Orange - Pack of 4

Flowers bring so much details and energy to any space. They give off a certain vibe which refreshes the space in an instant. And this is exactly what our artificial Cymbidium...

Silk Plants Direct Cymbidium Orchid - Lime - Pack of 4

Flowers are home décor essentials. From brightening up your mood to your rooms they can do it all effortlessly. And this is exactly what you can expect from our artificial Cymbidium...

Silk Plants Direct Lily of The Valley - White - Pack of 6

Looking for trendy ideas that will make an impression in your home interiors and will roll the welcome carpet for your guests in style? Our collection of ornamental artificial Lily is...

Silk Plants Direct Dahlia - White - Pack of 4

Just have a look at our striking artificial Dahlia and tell us if they won’t help you craft an engaging, appealing setting. No matter how or where you place them, they...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Yellow - Pack of 4

Sometimes it’s all about those little flourishes which bring the maximum impact. And if you’re searching for such elements which will make a big statement in your décor, then here’s one...

Silk Plants Direct Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Pink Apricot - Pack of 4

A little greenery is all it takes to spruce up any room in an instant. And here’s one which will add warmth and intrigue to your space in no time –...

Silk Plants Direct Lavender - Purple - Pack of 2

Planters of the bygone era were all about function. These days plant containers are about function coupled with bright colors, whimsical shapes and personality. And here’s one of them – our...

Silk Plants Direct Hydrangea, Rose - Lavender Green - Pack of 1

If you’re viewing for ideas on how to rewind and recharge your home interiors with easy ideas and ones which doesn’t cost much, then check out our collection of artificial Roses....

Silk Plants Direct Rose, Hydrangea - Beauty Eggplant - Pack of 1

Flowers are all you need to take your decor to a fresh new level. They have become easy, go-to accents to create a delightful space with minimal fuss. And if you’re...

Silk Plants Direct Protea - Orange Yellow - Pack of 1

Some of the fascinating and exotic flowers around, Proteas can help you create a space which no other flower can do. They’re simply spectacular accents which can make any room special....

Silk Plants Direct Oncidium Orchid Plant - Yellow - Pack of 1

Plants work in every interior design, every room. Vibrant foliage goes a long way in bringing interest to any setting. And this artificial Oncidium Orchid Plant is no exception. Some of...

Silk Plants Direct Cattleya Orchid Plant - Cream Lavender - Pack of 1

Greenery keeps any space from feeling cold and stark. They breathe life into the setting in no time. And this is exactly what you can expect from this artificial Green. Elements...

Silk Plants Direct Lavender, Astilbe - Purple Lavender - Pack of 6

Add to a vase, place it on the center table, and watch our Lavender, Astilbe bring a burst of excitement in your space. Our faux flower arrangement will be noticed no...