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8 Tips That Help Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive

8 Tips That Help Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive

Are you fed up of cooking out of your run down and worn out kitchen? Do you wish to give it a décor upgrade that will make space look expensive and fabulous? Here’s a chance for you to transform your kitchen into the type that you have always dreamed of having. We have put together a list of décor tips and suggestions that you can use to spruce up your kitchen décor. Here’s everything you need to know:

Upgrade The Hardware In Your Kitchen

Most people don’t realize the importance of having pretty and elegant kitchen hardware. They continue to use the same old taps, faucets, cabinet handles and other hardware items that were probably installed at the time that they purchased the apartment or residential unit. While kitchen hardware may seem like a trivial thing, in reality, it can play a very important role in making your kitchen look expensive and fabulous. You can replace old hardware with new age and contemporary chrome faucets and taps. Alternatively, you can also opt for thick and engraved brass taps and faucets to give your kitchen décor a more luxurious and rich appeal.

Get Rid Of Cabinets And Replace Them With Open Shelves

Kitchen cabinets are a thing of the past. While they may have stored all your utensils and other kitchen accessories very well over the years; it’s time for an upgrade. Kitchen cabinets look bulky and clunky and give the kitchen a very unappealing appearance. An excellent way to give your kitchen a luxurious and expensive feel is by replacing the cabinets with open shelves. Not only will the open shelves make the kitchen look more spacious, but it will also give it that elegant and classy appeal. Further, you will be able to reach out to your utensils and cookware much more easily with open shelves.

Use Faux Landscaping Products To Make Your Kitchen Look Fancy

Silk plants, faux floral arrangements, and other such artificial landscaping products can give your kitchen décor that much needed a spruce up. You can arrange gorgeous silk flower arrangements in crystal and glass vases and place them as centerpieces on your kitchen countertop. If your kitchen has a high ceiling, you can even put artificial palm trees in the corners of the kitchen. The best part about installing faux landscaping products in your kitchen is that you can give the surroundings an expensive appeal but at a minimal cost.

Repaint The Space In A Lighter Color

Lighter paint colors will not only make your kitchen look more spacious and roomy, but they will also give your kitchen a far more elegant and expensive appeal. You can select neutral and light shades like white, off-white, beige and other such colors for the walls. If you don’t wish to repaint the walls, you can always opt for an expensive and classy looking wallpaper to cover up the walls with. When selecting wallpaper for your kitchen walls, choose an elegant styled one with a beautiful motif or floral pattern on it.

Find Beautiful Artwork For The Walls

Installing various types of canvas paintings on the walls is also a great way to upgrade the décor of your simple kitchen to an expensive one. You can opt for beautiful and vibrant canvas paintings, lifelike nature paintings, stunning and realistic still life paintings and so on. You can visit local art exhibitions and galleries to source for such paintings.

Upgrade The Lighting In Your Kitchen

Upgrading the lights in your kitchen can also play an important role in giving the surroundings an expensive and classy vibe. There are several different varieties of modern and contemporary lights that are now available in the market. From pendant lights to sconces, small-sized chandeliers, hanging lights and more, you can give your kitchen décor a complete and total upgrade by simply replacing the old light structures with fancy and fabulous new ones. While changing the artificial lighting in your kitchen, you should work on the natural lighting too if possible. Try to widen the windows of your kitchen so that natural light can flow in and give the surroundings a more cheerful and classy feel too.

Wood Always Makes Any Décor Look Luxurious

Another effective way to give your kitchen that expensive feel is by using wood wherever possible. Wooden floorboards, wooden island tables, wooden cabinets, and other such items can give your kitchen a sophisticated and upscale vibe. You can even opt for a monochromatic theme in your kitchen by using the same wood for the floor, cabinets, and tables. You can also purchase some wooden chairs or barstools for your kitchen space. A gorgeous tan shade of wood or a deep cherry red shade of wood would be ideal.

Kitchen Carpets And Rugs Are The Latest Trends

Another hot new trend in the world of interior décor is laying out kitchen carpets on the kitchen floor. Not only will your kitchen look classy and fabulous, but it will also stand out and look unique. Installing carpets on the kitchen floor will give the surroundings a very rich and expensive feel. You can select bright and colorful carpets for the floor in your kitchen. From carpets in shades of fuchsia pink to breathtaking black and white carpets, turquoise carpets and other such options, you can select one that best blends with the overall décor of your kitchen.

These tried and tested décor ideas to make your kitchen look expensive to have worked wonders. The best part about most of these tips is that they are affordable and inexpensive. They can give you that fancy kitchen décor without burning a hole through your pocket. So what are you waiting for? A strip of the old décor in your kitchen and replace it with these wonderful décor tips and suggestions. We guarantee that you and your guests, family members, and visitors will be utterly impressed with the outcome once you have completed incorporating these ideas.