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7 Creative Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day 2021

7 Creative Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day 2021

Rudyard Kipling captured it splendidly with his quote – God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. Full of love and joy, mothers are ultimate givers of everything, and they are the most special person in most people’s lives. And when you want to make that special persons’ day special in the most kind and lovely way.  There are a lot of creative ways in which you can celebrate Mother’s Day in 2021. Here are a few things you can do to make it a memorable one for her.

  • Craft a Flower Arrangement – Who doesn’t love flowers? They can make even the dullest room special and joyous with their presence. Instead of gifting a bouquet to your mom on Mother’s Day, why not schedule a special ‘crafternoon’ project and craft one with her? You can get all her favorite flowers, pick some twigs and foliage from the backyard and style them up in a glass container. You could also do this with artificial flowers that will stay timeless and remind your Mom about you beyond Mother’s Day. 
  • Bake Together – Mother’s Day is incomplete without dessert. So, if your Mom loves baking why not bake a cake with her? Since she has always baked your favorite one, this time whip up something together that she likes. 
  • Host a Family Game – Pick up any simple game that you think the entire family can enjoy, split into two teams and get going. It can be either an outdoor ball game or indoor game like charades, bingo or trivia. A family game is a nice way to have some fun and bond at the same time. And if you think everyone is enjoying this exercise, it can become a yearly Mother’s Day tradition.
  • Family Photo Slideshow or Video – Create a slideshow of your most treasured family photos. In bleak times like this, going down the memory lane visually will surely make her laugh or get emotional. You can also take this to the next level by recreating a special family photo from your childhood. You and your entire family can replicate a picture with the same location, same pose, clothing, accessories etc and frame it later for your Mom.
  • Virtual Tour – Since the pandemic has shut down public gatherings most of them have transitioned to an online medium. From museum tours to zoo tours, virtual tours of gardens to churches, you can nvite her to join you to the thing she loves the most. 
  • Backyard Party – Since you cannot take your Mom out for a lunch or dinner, that does not mean you cannot have a family backyard party. You could throw a tea party or a BBQ party based on your Mom’s liking and enjoy a laid-back family time.
  • Write a Thank you letter – This is not exactly creative but sort of mandatory for Mother’s Day. You should write a thank you letter for your Mom or put together a list of everything you have learned from her over the years. This will surely make her emotional but you have to convey to her that she is your hero!